Thursday, January 19, 2023

Blog 2: Online Privacy

Online Privacy 

The concept of privacy is an ever-evolving issue. As we have progressed into the digital age, many questions arise about the proper approach to online privacy. As online privacy currently stands, it is more or less nonexistent. Along with all of the good things that technology brings us, it also brings opportunities for more people to access more of our information than ever before. I was shocked to learn that each and every time I use the internet, my activity is monitored and stored as part of my digital footprint. My internet habits and personal information, including my interests, likes, and dislikes are then sold to third parties. 

Government Involvement

In many instances, government agencies work with privately-owned companies to obtain information on internet users. The Constitutionality of this is vague, however, the government's use of its power in this context to obtain private information about its citizens is concerning. Our information is being put at risk both by private corporations, third party buyers, and even our own government. The government should take strides to pass the necessary legislation to protect people's private information and internet preferences from prying eyes that have mal intentions.

Self Preservation Tactics 

This is an issue that affects all internet users, and it is important to educate ourselves on what is happening and learn different ways to protect ourselves against this issue. The first way to keep your information from unwanted eyes is simply to avoid putting it on the internet or in your phone. If it is unavoidable and you must put this information on the internet, it is smart to practice good smart phone hygene. This includes clearing your cache, your internet cookies, and your search history. On top of that, it is prudent to utilize a VPN, or Virtual Private Network. This will help to ensure that any information that you wish to keep private is encrypted, protecting it from surveillance.  

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