Thursday, January 12, 2023

Blog 1: My Top Five News Sources

In our increasingly politicized environment, it is imperative to continuously explore different news outlets to ensure that you are not being spoon-fed only one narrative. In this blog post, I will delve into my top five news sources, and provide context as to why I continue to consume their content. 

The Daily Wire

As a college student, I find that I watch the news less when I am on campus and significantly more when I am at home. This partially has to do with convenience, as news sources are much more accessible on my television at home, but it is also a result of the availability I have in my schedule to sit down and watch a news segment. While I am on campus, my top news source tends to be The Daily Wire. I tend to enjoy both watching and reading their content and I specifically enjoy following content from some of their columnists such as Michael Knowles and Matt Walsh. This source is convenient for me to use on my laptop and I typically visit this site a few times a week when I find that I have extra time. This is typically a right-leaning news source, so it caters to more conservative content.  

Fox News 

When I am at home, it is common to find Fox News playing in my house. Typically, we will play Tucker Carlson Tonight, The Greg Gutfeld Show, and we will watch certain contributors when they have a segment such as Rachel Campos-Duffy, Dan Bongino, and Kat Timpf. These are all segments that I recommend watching if you are looking for a diverse array of well-articulated conservative-leaning content. Although I do not completely trust Fox News and all of the content they create, I find that certain contributors cater to my interests and articulate their points well. In addition, I find that it provides a succinct reading of current topics that are important to read about to stay informed.


In an effort to keep my news sources politically balanced, I will often visit CNN News to compare their content with that of other news sources. By doing so, I am presented with varying opinions and interpretations of hard-hitting topics. I find that when there are two or more extreme points of view that the truth is always somewhere in the middle. Exploring sources with radically differing views gives a clearer perspective of what is true. For example, if I find an overlap between what CNN and Fox News report on, then I feel more confident taking it at face value. This is where the merit of diversifying your sources comes into play.


I visit Axios a lot to get quick and unbiased news. I love Axios' founding principles which value authentically written, unbiased, good-quality news. I trust Axios because they take accountability for their work and never write opinionated pieces, rather they analyze and explain their content, not looking to incite any argument. Their attempt to provide common ground for readers paired with their 

Family and Friends 

It is important to not only stay informed but to keep an open line of communication with people in your life of varying beliefs. I typically stay well-informed enough to have relevant conversations within my family and friend group, however, it is beneficial to have these conversations often because it helps to fill in any gaps in knowledge that I may have. Additionally, by having conversations like these, my beliefs are often challenged, encouraging me to research well and articulate my beliefs eloquently. I also speak to people with respect and an open mind, leaving room for my mind to be changed if the necessary facts, information, and logic is presented. 

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